When you are looking for a new apartment to rent, there’s more to consider besides the monthly rent amount and location. Even if you aren't planning to stay longer than a few years, the apartment will be your home, so you want to make sure it fits your budget and lifestyle. Asking a few important questions before you sign the lease ensures that you're happy with your new digs.
What to Ask When Looking at an Apartment for Rent
What is included in the rent?
Sometimes, rent may include just the apartment itself, and you'll have to pay for utilities and parking separately. In other cases, the utilities are included, as well as amenities like laundry, a fitness center, swimming pool, storage, and more. Ensure you are clear on the monthly rent amount, as well as any additional fees, so you can budget accordingly.
How much does it cost to move in?
When looking at an apartment for rent, expect to make a larger initial payment when you sign the lease. Most landlords require at least the first month's rent and a security deposit. Get a list of all the charges, including a cleaning fee or another service, in writing, as well as information about what will and will not be refunded when you move out.
What are the rules?
Before signing the lease, know what you can and cannot do in the apartment. For example, can you make changes like painting or drilling holes for window treatments? Understand policies related to pets, rental insurance, subletting, parking, guests, and maintenance, so you don't inadvertently break the terms of the lease.
What happens at the end of the term?
Some leases automatically switch to a month-to-month term, while other landlords will want to review your history or receive a formal request to extend the lease. You should also be clear about how you can break your lease if necessary, and the potential penalty for doing so.
Whether you are looking for your first apartment for rent or downsizing after retirement, Buckner Properties in Cookeville, TN, has a safe, comfortable place for you to call home. The company manages homes, condos, and apartments of all sizes in various locations, and they are sure to have one that meets your needs and budget. View current listings on their website or call (931) 526-2104 to schedule a tour.
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