
When you’re raising cattle as part of an agriculture company, you need to safeguard your investments from typical illnesses that can hurt both your animals and your bottom line. Without vaccinations, your cattle may die prematurely, experience fertility difficulties, or have trouble producing milk. Properly caring for a sick herd is well worth the expense. Here are three of the most common diseases to vaccinate against. 

3 Cattle Diseases That Necessitate Vaccinations 

1. Leptospirosis

Cattle generally contract this disease after coming into contact with fluids of other animals suffering from the illness, such as mice and pigs. Symptoms include high fevers and a lack of energy. The cows may become infertile, lose pregnancies, and die in some cases. The disease can be passed to humans, so employees of your agricultural company could be at risk. 

2. Bovine Viral Diarrhea

agriculture companyThis virus tends to strike around the time a new calf is born, and can trigger the death of the offspring. If the calf survives, they’ll carry the virus their whole life, and expose other cattle to the sickness. Agriculture company owners often recognize bovine viral diarrhea in calves if they are experiencing tremors, have trouble walking, and aren’t able to nurse. In adults, there may be diarrhea, fever, nasal discharge, and a range of related symptoms. 

3. Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus

Another trouble virus agriculture companies should watch out for in their cattle typically manifests as treatment-resistant pneumonia. You also may notice weepy eyes and some frothing at the mouth. The virus has the potential to cause death, and even if it doesn’t, the surviving cows will have a lower quality of life and need continual treatment.  


For help raising healthy cattle, get in touch with a respected agriculture service like Bolivar Farmers Exchange in Polk County, MO. Serving area businesses since 1920, the professionals offer everything from feed to farm supplies. Discuss your specific needs with the agriculture company by calling (417) 326-2664. Learn more about the business by visiting them online
