
Running a business in the digital age means relying on computers for many essential functions. Whether you own a bakery or a flower shop, at least some of your operations will require modern technology. Since no technology is foolproof, you must become familiar with any potential online risks your company could face. From recognizing threats to installing the right kinds of antivirus protection, here’s what you should know about mitigating vulnerabilities. 

How Can I Tell if My Network Has a Virus?

The sooner you address malware after it infiltrates a network, the less damage it can cause. Educate your employees on how to identify a computer virus. This is an essential way to keep malware from damaging your proprietary documents or your clients’ personal information. 

antivirus protection

Some of the most common signs of a compromised network include unexpected pop-up windows, sluggish performance, missing files, limited storage space, unexplained system crashes, and heavy traffic across the network. Instruct your employees to report any issues to you or your IT provider as soon as they become apparent. 

How Can I Prevent Future Viruses?

While a reputable IT firm can help you delete viruses and restore some or all of the data they targeted, there are ways to prevent losing information to hackers. You can reduce the risk of malware infecting your business’s devices by installing and continuously updating antivirus protection, ignoring unsolicited email attachments, and avoiding pirated software. You should seek help from a professional to identify any potential vulnerabilities in your network so that they can be patched. 


For comprehensive antivirus protection that’s tailored to meet your company’s needs, turn to ION Technology in Voorhees, NJ. For nearly a decade, this veteran-owned IT firm has devised practical, cost-effective solutions for their clients’ biggest technology concerns. They provide network engineering, computer repairs, and data recovery. To discuss your needs, reach out on their website or call (856) 719-1818. 
