
If your child recently started preschool or will soon, consider fostering a deep love of learning now. It encourages a passion for knowledge that helps your child become a good student and a well-rounded person with a better understanding of the world. Below are tips for emphasizing the importance of learning in assorted ways. 

How Can I Encourage My Child’s Interest in Education? 

1. Read Together Often

Start reading books with your child every day and take trips to the local library often. Ask your child to choose books they are interested in, which helps them feel in control of their learning instead of forced. Talk about what the pages of each book entails, such as adventurers exploring new lands or kids experiencing their first day of second grade. 


Also, create a children’s library in your house so your little one can pull out books at any time and dive into new and different worlds. Start with books that are preschool-age and acquire those they can read when they are older, including short chapter books. 

2. Focus on What Your Child Likes 

Pay attention to what your child is interested in, whether it's wildlife, the ocean, or outer space. Plan a trip to the nearest beach to take pictures of the sea, collect shells, and look at the different birds; or, you can go on nature walks and try identifying as many plants and animals as you can. 

Buy books and toys based on your child's interests to encourage role-playing and make-believe fun. By cultivating what your child enjoys, you will likely encourage them to learn more about related topics. 

3. Lead by Example 

Show your child how much you love learning, as they will probably follow suit. Children imitate their parents, so if they routinely see you reading, engaging in different educational hobbies, such as bird watching, or talking about what you learned that day, their enthusiasm will grow. 

You can also discuss what you loved about preschool, kindergarten, and subsequent grades to help them feel excited about learning new subjects.


If your child is ready for preschool and the start of their academic journey, contact Imagination Childcare Academy Inc. The pre-K center in Rochester, NY, has proudly served children aged 2.5 to 12 years in Monroe County since 2012, is fully licensed and accredited, and offers flexible scheduling. Call (585) 413-3948 today to request a visit or review the preschool program online.
