What's Included In a Kindergarten Curriculum?
While attending kindergarten, small children reach several developmental milestones. The things they learn at this age at an early childhood education center can help them successfully transition into elementary school and set them on the path to academic success. Here's what a typical curriculum includes.
4 Subjects In a Typical Kindergarten Curriculum
1. Reading & Writing
By the time most kids start kindergarten, they've heard books and stories read aloud. Once they finish the school year, kindergartners typically know how to read simple words on their own. Teachers will help your little ones identify letters and their sounds, showing them how they go together to form words and how to comprehend the meanings of words combined in simple sentences. They'll play rhyming and word association games to build vocabulary and strengthen their reading skills.
Kindergartners also develop their fine motor skills, allowing them to grasp writing implements and print both lowercase and capital letters.
2. Math
In kindergarten, your little ones will learn the foundations of rudimentary mathematics to prepare them for elementary-level operations. This includes how to count and recognize numbers up to 100 and sort objects based on their sizes and shapes. Using physical props, such as blocks and peg boards, they'll get their first experiences with basic addition and subtraction of single-digit numbers. Additionally, they'll discover how to identify days of the week and calendar days.
3. Arts
Exposure to the arts can provide young children with a powerful creative outlet and give them a more well-rounded understanding of other cultures. While attending kindergarten, your children will listen to music and have the opportunity to dance and move creatively to express themselves. Additionally, they'll use crayons, markers, and paints to create their very own pieces and develop an appreciation for visual art. They may also dress up in costume for role-playing games and dramatic theater, which can give them a better comprehension of stories and characters.
4. Science
Science for kindergartners focuses on helping children understand the world around them. This includes developing an understanding of plants, animals, and the weather. Kids will also learn about the five senses, the basics about their bodies, and how to practice good health habits. Additionally, teachers may conduct simple, safe science experiments.
Give your kids a jumpstart on their academic career with help from Imagination Childcare Academy, Inc. This daycare and learning center offers preschool and kindergarten programs, along with before- and after-school childcare, to children in Rochester, Gates, and Monroe County, NY. Call (585) 413-3948 to sign up your young ones for classes, and visit the website to learn more about their enriching curriculum.