Atmos clocks are different than standard timepieces because they’re entirely dependent on perpetual motion functionality. The complex design means that these exquisite clocks require a light touch for everything from maintenance to cleaning. If you own an Atmos piece, you can certainly take some steps to care for it yourself, but it’s also smart to bring the clock to a reliable clock repair shop from time to time for assistance. Here’s what you need to know to maintain the condition and integrity of your clock.
How to Clean Your Atmos Clock
1. Handle With Care
The most important rule of thumb to keep in mind when cleaning Atmos clocks is to handle with extreme care. These timepieces are delicate and highly sensitive to basic movements. These clocks are at their most efficient when they’re set on a level table, so keep that in mind when you’re cleaning it. Always lock the pendulum while you’re handling the clock to prevent possible damage. To protect the exterior from visible damage, keep the clock away from sunlight and extreme temperature fluctuations. The ideal temperature is anywhere between 68 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Clean the Surface
Using a non-abrasive rag and a mild, heavily diluted detergent, gently clean the clock’s surface. Use a gentle touch to tackle the glass front, gold or brass plating, and lacquer on the surface. They’ll respond immediately to the cleanser, and unless there’s a thick layer of grime, it will appear shiny and clean right away. The same goes for any areas that have dust or fingerprints. Avoid using any harsh cleansers that might be too abrasive for the clock. Doing so could lead to irreparable scratches and surface imperfections.
3. Schedule Regular Maintenance
Atmos clocks have two main, and very delicate interior parts: the Bellows unit and the suspension spring. It’s possible that these pieces may require replacement at some point during the clock’s life. It’s best to have a clock repair shop expert clean these if you feel the clock requires deeper attention. Attempting to clean the interior on your own could lead to damage.
Could your Atmos clock use some attention? Trust in the professionals at the Tic Toc Shop in Mason, OH, to handle everything from basic cleaning to maintenance. The clock repair shop proudly offers over 50 years of industry experience, and they understand how to handle delicate parts properly and with ease. Best of all, they come to you for in-home grandfather clock repairs. Visit them online to find out more about their clock restoration and care services, or call them at (513) 398-1474.
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