As your child prepares to go back to school and away from your watchful eye, get them off to a positive start by incorporating some dentist-recommended habits. Oral health promotes overall health, which means that taking care of your child’s teeth fosters success. Just a few simple tips can make a significant difference.
Dental Health Tips for the New School Year
1. Good Oral Hygiene Routine
Your child should brush their teeth a minimum of twice a day and floss at bedtime. To motivate them, find ways to make it enjoyable. Something as simple as letting them pick a toothbrush with a color or character they love could help. You could also let them listen to music they like while they brush and keep track of each brushing with a sticker calendar. Promise a treat once they get a certain number of stickers, such as a movie night or their favorite dinner.
2. Healthy Food
Whenever possible, emphasize dairy products, nuts, and raw non-starchy vegetables in your child’s school lunches. Fruit, grains, and starchy vegetables have health benefits, but they’re also more likely to fill your child’s mouth with sugar that attracts a type of bacteria that produces cavity-creating acid. Candy can be especially harmful, so keep it out of the lunchbox except on special occasions.
3. Protection From Impact
If your child loves to play sports or has a lot of energy in PE classes and on playgrounds, mouthguards are essential. There’s a possibility that your child will trip and fall while running or skating, or they could get hit with equipment or other kids’ body parts. These accidents can all cause your child’s teeth to crack or chip. A dentist can ensure your child gets a mouthguard specifically fitted for them.
4. Regular Dentist Appointments
No matter how careful you are, a problem may develop without you or a teacher noticing, so it’s important to take your child to the dentist at least once every six months. Even if there’s nothing wrong at the time of the visit, the dentist will help prevent cavities from forming in the first place by applying fluoride and sealant to your child’s teeth.
Based in Thomasville, NC, Darr Dentistry makes dentist appointments both comfortable and productive for the children of Davidson County. They will use the most advanced technology to provide the care that your child needs, including fluoride varnishes and tooth fillings. Check their availability today by calling (336) 475-1614 or learn more about the office online.