
A blacktop driveway can significantly increase your home’s practical and aesthetic value. However, it requires a bit of upkeep to maintain its appearance and functionality over time. With the help of a blacktop paving contractor, you can refresh the surface periodically until it’s time for a full replacement. Learn what signs you should look out for before scheduling the necessary services.

Telling When Your Driveway Needs Blacktop Paving Services

When You Need Repairs

Minor damage is quite common on blacktop driveways. This is especially true after winter, when freeze-thaw cycles tend to cause surface cracks. If you see small cracks or holes that are less than a quarter inch wide, have a blacktop paving contractor fill them in right away. This process is fairly simple, and it prevents more water and debris from getting into the structure of your driveway and causing more significant damage.

When You Need Resealing

blacktop-pavingResealing is a process intended to protect the surface of your driveway from damage. You should have this done after installation and every time you have the driveway patched or repaired. After the initial resealing is completed, schedule regular resealing sessions every other year to keep the paved surface constantly protected.

When You Need a Replacement

A blacktop driveway can last for anywhere between 12 and 20 years, as long as you repair and seal it properly. During that period, look out for large cracks, holes, or uneven spots along the surface. These major issues cannot be repaired as easily, and they may require you to have the structure removed and replaced with new asphalt.



If you need any of these blacktop paving services, contact Prefer Paving & Ready-Mix Inc in Rush City, MN. With more than 20 years of industry experience, this concrete and asphalt paving company has the tools and experience necessary to install quality paved surfaces around your home or business and maintain those surfaces throughout their usable lifespan. The team is equipped to handle driveways, foundation, basketball courts, parking lots, and road projects. To learn more or discuss your blacktop paving needs, call (651) 464-6883. Read more about their blacktop services online.
