
Spaying and neutering is the best way to control the animal population and keep stray dogs and cats out of shelters. As such, animal hospital staff and other pet experts strongly encourage owners to spay or neuter their pets before they are able to reproduce. The team at Crescent Springs Animal Hospital in Crescent Springs, KY, knows that you may have heard a few rumors about what the procedures entail and that you may have questions about how you can keep your pets as healthy and happy for as long as possible.

Here, the caring animal hospital team debunks some of the most common spay and neuter myths:

  • Female Dogs & Cats Should Have a Litter First: There is no medical evidence suggesting female animals can benefit from having a litter before they’re spayed. Conversely, spaying your dog or cat before her first cycle can actually reduce her odds of experiencing mammary cancer, and because pregnancy carries health risks, your pet will actually be healthier if you opt to have her spayed.
  • animal hospitalSpay & Neuter Negatively Impacts Behavior: Neutering male animals can impact their behavior, but only in positive ways. They’ll be less inclined to mark their territory with odorous urine (called “spraying”), and they’ll be less likely to run away in search of a mate. Also, neutered dogs and cats tend to fight less with other animals.
  • Pets Will Become Overweight Afterwards: Every pet owner should be watchful of weight gain as their pets age, but it’s not a result of having them spayed or neutered. Dogs and cats may get less exercise once they’re no longer puppies or kittens, but owners can be proactive in ensuring plenty of playtime or walks. You can also adjust your pet’s diet as needed and according to your veterinarian’s recommendations.

Spaying and neutering are routine procedures that can be performed right at Crescent Springs Animal Hospital by the experienced, caring veterinary staff. To learn more or to schedule your dog or cat for their procedure, call (859) 331-6608 or visit the animal hospital online.  
