
When it comes to selling homes, the importance of using crisp, high-quality images cannot be overstated. Real estate photographers dramatically improve the appeal of property listings. If you’re a real estate agent, you can learn more about the advantages of working with a professional photographer below.

5 Reasons to Collaborate With Real Estate Photographers

1. Catch the Attention of Buyers

Attractive, well-captured photos are far more likely to catch the eye of people looking for homes. Whether they’re browsing real estate properties online or using an app, people are drawn to beautiful imagery and may check out your listing to see more. Well taken photos of your listings will get more views for your properties, leading to a jump in potential buyers.

2. Make a Good First Impression

Poor presentation can give the wrong impression of a property. Amateur home photography typically has lighting, spacing, and framing issues, since they’re usually taken hastily with standard phone cameras. Seeing blurry or grainy images of a house could also put negative associations in the mind of a buyer, such as a house being too dark or unkempt. Make the best first impression possible with well-lit, properly-framed photos from a pro.

3. Advantages of Professional Equipment

real estateReal estate photographers come not only with industry experience and special training, but with the right equipment and software to produce impressive photos. Houses can be difficult to capture, especially in areas with low light, such as a property with overshadowing trees. These professionals bring lenses, lighting equipment, and photo editing skills that can overcome any home photography challenges.

4. Boost Perceived Home Value

Going through the effort of bringing on a photographer shows that you’re willing to invest in your listings. When buyers are able to compare amateur real estate pictures with those of a professional, the perception of “nicer” images can translate to the quality of the property. Properties that look brighter, bigger, clearer, and cleaner appear more valuable to buyers who want a welcoming, spacious, bright home to grow in.

5. Sell the Listing Faster

According to a study of sales in Chicago, real estate agents who used professional photographers sold properties 32% faster than all other listings. Expedited sales mean less time spent negotiating and a lower risk of a contract falling through. You can sell more listings faster, leaving you with satisfied sellers more likely to recommend you to other potential buyers.


Once you have homes to sell and the right photographer to market them, list your properties with EXIT Realty Nexus. Serving Anoka and Hennepin counties, this Minnesota real estate search engine has the tools and consumer base to help you reach potential buyers quickly and efficiently. If you’re in the market to purchase a house, they have detailed search functions to find you the best options from a diverse selection of beautiful homes. To discuss listing a property, call (763) 548-1400 or leave them a message online.
