
Purchasing car insurance is essential if you’re a driver. However, it can be a challenge to find the right policy. You need to take into account a variety of factors, from your budget to your driving habits. At the same time, it’s easy to make mistakes occasionally. Taking your time throughout the process can help, but be mindful of these common errors, so you can avoid them altogether.

What Are the Most Common Car Insurance Mistakes to Avoid?

1. Not Considering Your Needs

The average driver’s needs depend on several factors, including the car’s model, vehicle type and price, how frequently they drive, and how much experience they have. While full coverage is desirable, it can come as a significant expense. It’s best to seek a policy that provides the right balance of coverage you need and a cost you can afford. Consider a plan that includes comprehensive, liability, and collision coverage, so you’re well protected on the road.

2. Not Comparing Plan Options

car insurance

Shop around before committing to a policy, even if one seems especially appealing from the outset. Obtain multiple quotes from a variety of providers before making your final decision. That’s especially important if your driving record has a history of speeding incidents or car accidents, which can drive up your insurance costs. 

3. Selecting a High Deductible

Many drivers find it appealing to raise their deductibles because it means their premiums will be lower. While it’s a money-saving tactic in the interim, it can backfire if you’re involved in an accident and your vehicle needs repair work. Before the repairs can begin, you’ll need to pay the high deductible out of pocket before your car insurance policy kicks in to cover the rest of the repair costs. If the damage was significant and you don’t have the funds, it could be difficult to manage. Avoid setting the deductible so high that you can’t afford to pay for repairs. 


If you seek a reliable provider for car insurance, turn to Advantage Insurance Agency in Lincoln, NE. Serving the community since 1994, these experienced agents offer a variety of policies to protect your most valuable investments, including your home, vehicles, and business. They’re proud to represent a variety of local and national carriers, so you have a wide range of choices that best meet your personal needs. Visit the website to learn more and obtain a quote, or call (402) 484-5454 to speak with a representative.
