
While some plumbing problems, such as minor toilet clogs, can be solved with a plunger, there are many issues requiring a professional. Here, review situations that require emergency plumbing services to avoid costly water damages. Some water damage can affect your home’s structural integrity via rot, mold, and mildew, so don’t wait to call.

4 Instances Calling For Professional Plumbing Services

1. Recurring Clogs

If plunging doesn’t solve your clogged-drain issue, the problem is likely deep within your plumbing system. Mineral buildup, food waste, soap scum, and hair are among the main clog culprits and require professional drain cleaning services to keep water draining normally. Do not use chemical drain cleaners to treat the problem, as these products corrode pipes and pollute waterways.

2. Burst Pipes

plumbing-Port-Saint-Lucie-FLWhen water in your plumbing lines freezes during winter, it creates blockages that prevent the liquid from flowing freely. The resulting pressure cracks plumbing lines, causing them to leak and inflict serious water damage. Old, corroded pipes can also burst, as can those from other sources such as tree roots and large clogs.

Call your plumbing contractor as soon as you notice a leak, and take steps to avoid the issue in the future. You can insulate exposed pipes and plant greenery with extensive root systems away from your home.

3. Sewer Odors

Sewer odors typically indicate sewer line clogs that affect your home’s air quality in addition to risking issues, such as sewage backups into household drains and toilets. If your home relies on a septic system, sewer odors indicate it’s time to schedule tank pumping. You’ll avoid tank cracks as well as waste backups in your home and a saturated drain field.

4. Overflowing Toilet

Toilets overflow from clogs—such as those in the toilet bowl, trap, connecting drain pipe, or sewer line. Septic tanks overflowing with waste can also cause this unsanitary issue because sewage has no place to go. If your toilet lever is stuck on ‘flush’ or there is a damaged float mechanism, an overflow can result. Turn the knob at the bottom left of your toilet off to stop the flow of water before calling your plumber.


If you experience any of these issues or other plumbing emergencies—such as no hot water, a serious drop in water pressure, or soggy lawn areas—contact ACS RooterOne. The contractors in Port Saint Lucie, FL, serve residents from Melbourne to Palm Beach and offer 24/7 emergency services. Call (877) 500-0046 today to schedule an appointment, or learn more about services online. Get the latest discount information on Facebook.
