
Trees are valuable assets that bring life and beauty to your landscaping. Proper tree maintenance is essential to keep them alive for the years to come, and it includes regularly checking on their health. However, problems like root rot are difficult to spot, which makes early detection critical for your plant's survival. Here's what you should know about this disease and how to prevent it from damaging your trees permanently. 

What Are Some Common Causes?

Watering your trees regularly is a vital part of tree care. However, overwatering, poor drainage, and heavy rainfall can cause soil to become waterlogged. Unfortunately, this situation can lead to root rot. Roots need oxygen, and when soil is too wet, it prevents them from absorbing the oxygen they require. As oxygen-deprived roots die and decay, rotting spreads to uninfected roots, threatening your tree's health. 

tree maintenance

Another cause of this plant disease is soil fungus, which thrives in waterlogged soil. They attack weak, oxygen-deprived roots and cause rotting and eventual death.  

What Are the Signs and Symptoms?

Identifying this plant disease can be challenging, as it develops underground and has similar signs to pest infestation. Key indicators include stunted growth, sudden deterioration of its health, thinning canopy, and dead branches. Leaves can appear to be pale, wilted, or browned. If fungal infection is the cause of the disease, you might spot fungus growing near its base or in the tree's inner bark. 

What Are Some Prevention and Treatment Methods?

Selecting disease-resistant trees, such as Magnolia, Chinese Fringe, and Bald Cypress, is one strategy to lessen the incidence of tree rot. Grow them in well-drained soil, prevent over-watering, and think about strengthening drainage systems as part of your tree care maintenance.

If identified early, cutting diseased roots may be sufficient to halt their growth. However, in more severe situations, tree removal is required to eliminate the further spread.


If you need tree maintenance experts to keep your foliage verdant and healthy, reach out to Rivertown Tree Service in Hastings, MN. For over 42 years, Minneapolis South Metro area residents have trusted them for reliable tree services. As a full-service tree care company, they use the latest industry techniques and equipment to ensure that your landscape is safe and beautiful. To learn more about their services, call them today at (651) 438-3704 or visit them online.
