
When moving into an older home, it’s expected that certain part of it will need to be repaired or replaced. One of the most important tasks is determining whether or not you need a new roof. An old, damaged surface compromises the house’s energy efficiency and increases the risk of leaks. Here are some signs it’s time to replace the worn roof with a new one.

How to Know If the Roof Needs to Be Replaced

1. Worn Materials

You may be able to spot damage from the ground. Look for missing, curled, or cracked shingles, as well as flashing that’s bent out of shape. This damage will likely occur around extrusions, like air vents and skylights. If you can’t get a proper view of the surface, schedule a professional inspection.

2. Attic Damage

new roofHead to the attic with a flashlight and examine the spaces under the eaves—stains and moist streaks indicate water is getting through the roofing material. Next, turn off the flashlight and any other lights in the attic, if sunshine filters through, there are holes present and the surface needs to be replaced.

3. Sagging

A sagging roof has experienced severe structural damage, and it needs to be addressed immediately. This issue stems from weakened and rotted support boards and beams due to trapped moisture. If ignored, the roof will eventually collapse and cause significant damage to the house.


If you need a new roof, turn to the team at 3-D Sheetmetal on Oahu, HI. These professionals will outfit you with a new metal roofing system that will last decades. They’ll measure, cut, and install the panels on-site to ensure a seamless fit around any vents, skylights, and other protrusions. Visit the website to get more information about their services, or call (808) 842-0110 to schedule an appointment.
