
April 22 is Earth Day, which provides the opportunity to remind people to respect the planet and take care of the environment. Every year, new methods are discovered to improve the earth and ensure its resources will be available for future generations. From information on metal recycling to unique information about the holiday, here are some interesting facts and habits you can use to celebrate Earth Day.

7 Fascinating Facts & Activities to Utilize on Earth Day

1. Worldwide Celebration

Founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970, the first celebration boasted 20 million participants in the United States. In 1990, it went worldwide, and today, 180 countries around the world celebrate Earth Day.

2. College Movement

A graduate student helped Senator Nelson select April 22 since it falls between spring break and finals for most campuses. The hope was to guarantee student participation to give the day the movement it needed to be effective.

3. Scrap Metal

To celebrate Earth Day this year, bring your metal to a scrap yard or look for used auto parts that can be salvaged. Rusty or damaged pieces can still be sent for metal recycling, as imperfections do not devalue metal. This makes the process for scrap one of the easiest and most efficient ways to recycle and reuse products.

4. Job Opportunities

With the world taking notice of the planet’s needs and the growing popularity of reusing, recycling has gone beyond saving the earth and reducing society’s impact on the environment. In fact, recycling and remanufacturing centers have provided more than three million jobs throughout the United States.

metal recycling5. Energy Saving

Because Earth Day draws attention to energy usage, people see just what their waste does to the planet. Glass, paper, plastic, and metal recycling can save as much as five times the energy that a waste incinerator plant would generate to break down those items in the trash.

6. Paper Products

Most paper products can be recycled and repurposed, such as the 100 billion pieces of junk mail distributed in the United States. Americans send about 75% of their cardboard and newspapers to recycling centers, but only 50% of other types. This year, make the effort to include all recyclable paper items in your pickup.

7. Carbon Footprint

If people reduce their waste by 1% annually alongside recycling and composting, they can save 406 megatons of carbon dioxide emissions by 2030. The energy saved is comparable to closing 21% of the country’s coal-fired power plants. Reuse and repurpose what you can, and learn how to compost for Earth Day this year. 


Metalico Rochester in Rochester, NY, is the top choice in the area for scrap metal recycling. Besides their metal offerings and junk metal removal options, they also have a vast inventory of used auto parts, as well as an online form for searching out the specific part you need. Give them a call at (585) 436-0713 to discuss your needs today, and visit them online for more information on what they do.
