
Virtual meetings have made it possible for students to continue learning safely throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. But after months of daily meetings, this feat of modern technology can begin to feel tedious. If your high school student seems drained by online meetings, take the following steps to mitigate their exhaustion.

How to Help Your Student Avoid Online Meeting Fatigue

1. Designate a Separate Space for Work

In normal circumstances, students have a clear physical separation between their schooling and home life. Now their place of rest and relaxation has become their learning space as well. To ensure your child doesn’t feel like they’re at school 24/7, designate an area of the home for online learning and meetings. Make sure this space is comfortable but free from distractions.

2. Suggest Taking Notes by Hand

Is your child typing up notes during their meetings? It may benefit them to use a pencil and paper instead. Studies show that students who take notes longhand are more likely to retain and process information than those who use laptops, partially because of time constraints. When writing by hand, you must absorb and summarize what is being said to keep up, as opposed to typing what you hear verbatim. It will also make note-taking feel less monotonous.

3. Make Time for Physical Activity

Sitting still for long periods can leave kids feeling stiff and bored, so encourage your teen to get their blood flowing between meetings. They can stand up and stretch, do some yoga, take a walk around the neighborhood, or even go for a light jog.

4. Loosen Their Schedule

Back-to-back online meetings may contribute to your child’s fatigue. Research suggests that staring at screens for extended periods can lead to eye fatigue, blurred vision, and dry eyes. While increased screen time is understandable and expected during a pandemic, make sure there is plenty of room in your student’s schedule to take breaks.

5. Keep in Touch With Teachers

Throughout the online learning process, parents should keep in close contact with teachers. It can be difficult for teachers to tell how students are faring over virtual meetings. If your child needs additional assistance or accommodations, reach out to discuss your concerns. Together, you can come up with solutions that will improve your student’s high school experience.


Your child deserves a top-quality private education from a school dedicated to helping them thrive throughout the pandemic. At Hawaii Baptist Academy of Honolulu, teachers are committed to uplifting students to reach their full potential. Since 1949, this Christian school has provided a rich and diverse curriculum that equips students with the skills they need for college and beyond. Visit their website to get started on the admissions process. Call (808) 536-6830 for more information about their K–6 program or (808) 595-7585 to discuss the middle or high school program.
