
Many homeowners set up makeshift home offices last year thinking they’d only be working from home for a short time. However, with more and more companies offering permanent telework or hybrid models, it’s time for remote employees to upgrade their spaces. If you’re ready to optimize your workspace this year, these home remodeling tips will help you get started. 

How to Improve a Home Office

1. Keep Your Workspace Separate

It’s tough to be productive when you’re constantly surrounded by family members asking you questions or talking to each other. If you have the space in your home, set up your office in a completely separate room with a door that closes. If you don’t have an extra room to spare, place your workspace behind a wall or set up a room divider that keeps you out of common areas. As a home remodeling project, you may even be able to convert your basement or attic into a workspace to put an entire floor between you and distractions. 

2. Include Plenty of Lighting

home remodeling

A poorly lit office space can cause eye strain as you work, and it doesn’t look professional during video calls. If possible, take advantage of natural light by keeping window blinds or curtains open or adding windows or skylights to your workspace. If you’re in a basement or room where natural light isn’t available, add soft artificial light throughout the room, including overhead lights, floor lamps, and task lighting on your desk.  

3. Add Enough Storage

Clutter can be a major distraction, so your office needs enough drawers, shelves, and cabinets to store all your important documents, electronics, and office supplies. Built-in shelves and cabinets provide plenty of storage with the added bonus of surfaces for you to display your favorite art and decor. Constructing these along a shared wall may also help muffle sound from the rest of your house to help you focus during the workday. 

If you’re looking for a home remodeling contractor to help you set up your dream home office, contact Handyman Headquarters in Saint Charles, MO. The locally owned and operated company has more than 20 years of experience and works on a variety of home remodeling projects, from home offices to kitchens and bathrooms. Visit the website to see examples of their work. To request an estimate, call (314) 330-6124. 
