
When you dedicate time and creativity to a piece of artwork, you want to know it will last. Most paper made from wood contain chemical compounds called lignins and/or more acidic pH levels, that over time, can cause the paper to become fragile and discolor. Artists seeking to create paintings and sketches with the longest possible lifespan choose acid-free paper as a staple of their painting supplies. Below, Hawaiian Graphics in Honolulu, HI, explains the specific advantages of using this type of paper.  

3 Reasons to Include Acid-Free Paper in Your Painting Supplies

1. Long-Term Color Quality

As some paper ages, it may naturally distort the colors in your artwork, creating effects like muting and browning. Acid-free or archival paper incorporates additives in the manufacturing process to preserve color quality for many years. If you intend to craft a timeless piece and are seeking a way to make your colors as vivid as they are today decades from now, acid-free paper is worth the extra cost.  

2. Reduced Disintegration Risk

painting suppliesHave you ever come across an old newspaper clipping? If so, you’re familiar with the crumbling, brittle texture documents take on as they age. Like discoloration, this phenomenon is also caused by acidity. The acids formed by the reaction between wood and bleach in the paper cause the paper’s fibers to shorten, which results in brittleness. To prevent your painting from losing its texture and taking on an aged look as a result, employ acid-free paper and store it properly.

3. Resistance to Environmental Factors

Environmental factors such as heat, humidity, and exposure to naturally-occurring agents in the air—like sulfur dioxide—can all impact the quality of artwork. The lignin in paper’s wood pulp can cause paint to feather, blurring fine edges and impacting the quality of the piece. Since acid-free (or pH neutral) paper has reduced or balanced acidity, it provides added protection or resistance to this effect. Nonetheless, storing any pieces of artwork properly is still a good idea to maximize protection against aging caused by the environment.

If you’re seeking acid-free paper or any other high-quality painting supplies, look no further than Hawaiian Graphics. Their store has a broad range of art supplies and even a membership program for discounts on most purchases. Learn more by visiting (808) 973-7171, or browse through their extensive inventory of paper and canvases by visiting their website.  
