
If you're planning to get pregnant, early menopause might interfere with your plans. This condition affects about one in 1000 women under 29 and one in 100 in their 30s. Thankfully, there are infertility treatment options to help you conceive. Here's what you need to know about the condition and your options.

Early Menopause & Infertility Treatment FAQ

What causes early menopause?

Many of the factors contributing to this condition are genetic, including family history, chromosomal defects, and some autoimmune disorders. Patients with epilepsy are also more likely to enter early menopause. Low body weight or a vegetarian diet can be at fault, as can lack of sunlight and exercise. Finally, those who smoke are at elevated risk.

How do I know if I have this issue?

Infertility TreatmentsThis condition will slow or stop your menstrual cycle, and you may notice a lower sex drive. You'll also experience the symptoms of menopause earlier than expected, which include hot flashes, memory and concentration issues, difficulty sleeping, headaches, heart palpitations, stiffness, vaginal dryness, and more frequent urinary tract infections.

How does early menopause affect fertility?

To become pregnant, your body needs to release an egg. When menopause sets in, your body will stop doing this reliably or at all. The chances of natural conception get much lower without infertility treatments.

What infertility treatments are available for this condition?

There are two parts to what's commonly called menopause: perimenopause and true menopause. Perimenopause is a transitional time when your body still ovulates sometimes and your hormone levels have not settled.

You have several options during this stage. Hormone treatments to replace estrogen and progesterone can slow the onset of menopause and give you more time to pursue infertility treatments. You can also still harvest eggs for later use.

After true menopause—a year after your last menstrual cycle, when you have finished ovulating—you can no longer conceive naturally or produce viable eggs. However, you can still become pregnant through in vitro fertilization.


If you need infertility treatments to help slow the effects of early menopause, contact Pacific In Vitro Fertilization Institute in Honolulu, HI. Their experienced fertility doctors have helped women conceive for 35 years. They're open seven days a week and will be happy to guide you through their options to meet your family planning goals. Call (808) 946-2226 for an appointment, or learn more about their services online.
