
If you experience thinning hair or baldness, you might consider undergoing a hair transplant. This procedure restores fullness by taking follicles from another part of the body or thicker part of the scalp and moving them to the affected area on your head. This quick guide offers more information about this permanent hair loss solution.

A Brief Overview of Hair Transplants

What types of transplants are available?

Follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) is a grafting technique that involves removing a 6- to 10- inch strip of skin from the back of the head. The doctor will suture the scalp together so the surrounding hair covers this area. The strip is divided into minuscule grafts featuring single or multiple hairs that can be placed on balding or affected spots on the head. 

Follicular unit extraction, or FUE, involves shaving the back of the scalp. The surgeon uses micropunches to detach individual hair follicles and transfer them to the thinning area. This procedure leaves behind almost no sign of extraction.  

What does the process involve?

hair transplant

Your provider will begin by cleaning and numbing the affected area of your scalp. Both FUSS and FUE procedures are identical once the initial step is complete. Small openings are created in the transplant region, and the grafts or follicles are placed inside them. 

An FUE operation is usually done in multiple two- to four-hour sessions. A FUSS procedure can take anywhere from four to eight hours, depending on the size of the transplant area. 

Can anyone get a transplant? 

Most people are qualified to receive a transplant, and both types of procedures often last a lifetime. The ideal patient is someone in good health that has enough hair on another part of the scalp to supply to the balding or thinning region. While it’s not usually realistic to achieve a full head of voluminous locks, you can expect more hair with a natural-looking result.

What is the recovery process?

After the procedure, your scalp is covered, and you're sent home with after-care instructions to ensure proper healing. In most cases, you can expect to resume normal activities within one to two days of the transplant. You can likely wash your hair a few days after the procedure, but you may be instructed to avoid massaging the scalp to prevent irritation. 

Mild scabbing or crusting is normal, along with some itchiness. The doctor might recommend taking an over-the-counter painkiller to manage discomfort.

If you’re coping with hair loss, turn to Hair Institute Inc. in Lexington, KY. They offer a variety of restoration solutions, including hair transplants and laser hair therapy, to help you achieve the look you desire and restore your confidence. Visit them online to learn more about their extensive services, like folligrafts and nonsurgical hair replacement. Call (859) 263-9811 to speak with a compassionate team member and schedule a consultation.
