
A dry scalp can lead to many problems, including dandruff and a feeling of itchiness or tightness. Dryness can be a seasonal problem caused by cold, dry air. However, a long-lasting dry scalp and dandruff may be linked to thinning hair. Read on to learn about how dry scalp and dandruff contribute to hair loss, and how to prevent dry scalp in winter. 

What is Dandruff?

Dandruff is a common condition where the skin on the scalp becomes flaky. The skin can fall off, leaving white flakes on the hair and shoulders. The itchiness caused by dandruff can lead to excessive scratching, which can cause damage to the scalp. This damage can injure follicles and lead to hair loss.

Ways to Prevent Dry Scalp During Winter

hair loss

1. Switch to a Medicated Shampoo

Although it might be tempting to use a clarifying shampoo to try and remove the flakes from your scalp, switching to a gentle, moisturizing formula can help soothe irritated follicles. If you do use a medicated shampoo, be sure that it's anti-dandruff approved. For mild cases, only use it for a few weeks and then check to see if the symptoms have subsided. 

2. Avoid Heat Tools

Hot air is a trigger for a dry scalp in winter as heating systems and hairdryers can dry out the delicate skin under your hair. Avoid hair dryers, straighteners, and other hot styling tools. If you can't avoid using a hair dryer, try using a lower heat setting to mitigate the drying effect. 

3. Try a Hair Mask 

Adding a weekly conditioning mask can add valuable moisture to your hair and scalp. Look for moisturizing masks in your local drugstore with argon oil, avocado, and coconut oil. These ingredients are known for their calming and restorative properties and can help reduce dryness and irritation. 

Whether you're struggling with newly onset or chronic hair loss, consult the Hair Institute Inc in Lexington, KY. Let this team of hair restoration professionals restore your confidence and self-esteem with affordable and non-invasive techniques. Call their office at (859) 263-9811 and speak to one of their friendly associates, or visit them online to schedule your initial consultation today.
