
Promoting healthy hair growth will not only give you a full and luscious head of hair, but it will also boost your confidence. If you’ve experienced significant hair loss, professional treatment may be necessary. However, there are several techniques that can supplement or prevent further hair-related issues.

How to Encourage Healthy Hair Growth

1. Skip the Shampoo

Shampoo strips the scalp of natural oils that are essential for promoting healthy locks. This can leave your hair and scalp dry.

While you want your hair to be clean, most people do not need to shampoo daily. Try switching to every other day at first. After a while, you may be able to shampoo only once or twice a week while still enjoying clean, healthy hair.

2. Avoid Heat Tools

Heat tools like blow dryers and curling irons can cause major damage to your hair. As these devices break apart strands, the scalp may not be able to keep up, leaving behind a thinning head of hair. Only use them when necessary, and always apply heat protecting sprays or hair products beforehand.

3. Massage the Scalp

hair growthApplying pressure to the skin on any part of your body increases blood flow to that area. Massaging the scalp allows it to get more nutrients from your blood, which ultimately promotes thicker hair growth. Rub the scalp with your fingers a few times per week. This might be easiest to do when showering. Consider applying a deep conditioner at the same time.

4. Eat Plenty of Nutrients

Hair is made of protein and requires nutrients to grow. Eating a diet full of whole foods like vegetables, fruit, nuts, beans, and seafood can help support hair growth and overall health. If you lack any particular nutrient, consider adding supplements and vitamins to your daily routine.

5. Use Delicate Materials

Harsh towels and synthetic pillowcases can damage hair over time. After you shower, use a microfiber cloth that does not break strands to dry your hair. Try switching to silk pillowcases that keep your current locks intact so they look fuller as they grow out.


If you’re looking for professional hair growth solutions, turn to Hair Institute Inc. in Lexington, KY. This company offers personalized hair restoration options for both men and women, and treatments include laser hair therapy, hair transplants, and artificial hair. Their fully certified team has been helping those dealing with thinning hair or hair loss for more than 20 years. Visit them online for a full list of their services. To request a consultation, call (859) 263-9811.
