
Homeowners rely on their furnaces to keep the interior comfortable all winter long. However, this appliance can only function effectively if you take proactive steps to ensure its safety and functionality. Below are some common mistakes homeowners make that could actually lead to premature furnace repairs and high utility bills.

What Mistakes Can Lead to High Heat Costs?

1. Not Sealing Drafts

Heat can escape through tiny cracks and holes, especially around windows and doors. Inspect the windows first, and if you notice any signs of drafts, seal them by using caulk. For drafty doors, use specialized draft stoppers and place them between the floor and door to help eliminate the transfer of indoor-outdoor air. 

2. Not Changing the Filter


A clean air filter allows for unobstructed airflow to enter the home, thus decreasing the time it takes for your furnace to heat the indoor spaces. Dirty filters slow this process down and make the furnace work twice as hard to push air through the clogs.

Change the air filter at least once every three months to remove dirt, dust, and pollen. If you have pets or smokers in the home, check the filter monthly to remove dander. 

3. Closing Unused Air Vents 

Closing unused air vents doesn't increase the efficiency of heating in other rooms. When heat distribution isn't balanced throughout the home, the furnace experiences additional strain. The longer this occurs, the less efficient the heating appliance becomes. Unequal heating can also cause problems with plumbing, so keep the vents open to maintain a consistent temperature. 

4. Setting the Thermostat Too High

Setting the thermostat higher than necessary puts excess strain on the furnace and increases the cost of monthly heating bills. Many people don't notice a difference between 68 and 72, but setting your thermostat at 68 can save you money on utility bills and still create a comfortable environment. Consider keeping the thermostat at a lower temperature and raising it a few degrees if it gets too chilly. 


If you're looking for ways to improve the efficiency of your furnace, contact the professionals at Chuck Ollinger Plumbing and Heating in Erie, PA. These HVAC contractors have been serving residents for over 50 years. They provide furnace repairs and maintenance to keep the heating system running all winter long. To learn more about their services, visit them online or call (814) 899-2809 to schedule an appointment. 
