
Spring is a busy season for many households, as families purge their homes of clutter that accumulated during winter. In the midst of tackling chores, don't forget to schedule an AC tune-up. Spring is the perfect time to tend to this important task for the following reasons. 

Why Should You Schedule an AC Tune-Up in the Spring?

1. Scheduling Flexibility 

In early spring, temperatures are still cool in many parts of the country. This means HVAC contractors have yet to begin fielding many requests for AC repair, maintenance, and installation. As professionals have more time in their schedule in spring, they will likely be able to work around your schedule and finish the tune-up quickly. This might not be the case if you wait until summer to schedule an appointment. 

2. Increased Efficiency


After a long winter left unused, your AC system needs a tune-up to be able to meet your household's cooling demands come summer. During spring, an HVAC contractor will change the filter, inspect the drain line, clean the evaporator coil, and perform additional tasks to put less strain on components during operation. This reduces the risk of a breakdown during the height of summer when you need the system the most. 

3. Energy Savings

As an AC tune-up improves system efficiency, equipment won't need to work harder and drain more energy to maintain interior comfort. By scheduling AC maintenance in spring, you can rest easy knowing cooling costs will remain low throughout the summer months.  


For an AC tune-up, reach out to the certified HVAC contractors at Chuck Ollinger Plumbing and Heating in Erie, PA. For over 50 years, the professionals have been providing heating and cooling solutions (including 24/7 emergency repairs) for homeowners throughout the Erie County area. Learn more about the services and equipment the company offers online, and call (814) 899-2809 for an appointment. 
