Your feet help stabilize your ankles, legs, and the muscles surrounding them. Whether you need extra arch support or more wiggle room for your toes, there are a number of steps you can take to ensure you select the right pair of shoes. If you have questions after the following tips, reach out to a podiatrist for assistance.
How to Pick the Best Shoes for Your Feet
1. Look for Arch Support
Your arches are significant to your foot health, so finding a shoe that supports them is crucial. To do so, determine how much support you need based on the shape of your foot. Do you have a flat, low, neutral or high arch? For individuals with flat or low arches, a shoe with more support in the arch region will provide greater stability. Individuals with neutral arches should look for something in the middle, with some arch support as well as cushion for comfort. If you have high arches, get a shoe that offers arch support but has cushioning to alleviate some of the pressure on your feet. Speak with a podiatrist if you’re uncertain what type of arch you have.
2. Shop Later in the Day
After spending most of the day on your feet running errands or working, you may notice some swelling. While it may not seem like a lot, this is something worth considering when purchasing shoes. Shopping for shoes later in the day allows you to find a pair that will be comfortable all day long, even after some swelling. If you notice an abnormal amount of swelling or frequently experience pain in your feet at the end of your workday, consult a podiatrist in your area.
3. Avoid High Heels
While those high heels may make you look great, they do not make your feet feel that way. There are a number of reasons to skip out on those 4-inch stilettos, from problems with circulation and added pressure to throwing your hips and spine out of alignment. If you have to wear high heels, find ones with thicker heels to provide more support and stick to ones 2 inches or less high.
4. Always Have Your Feet Measured
Brands and different styles of shoes may vary in size, so it’s wise to have your feet measured before selecting a new pair. Even sizing throughout a brand can fluctuate depending on the style, whether it’s a shoe for running or hiking. Additionally, make sure you try both shoes on before making the purchase, this ensures both feet fit comfortably.
Choice Podiatry Associates in Cincinnati, OH, offers individualized and comprehensive podiatry care to the community. Whether you’re struggling with something as simple as warts or something more complex like bone malformations, their podiatrists will provide the compassionate care you need. If you’re tired of achy, swollen feet and want to improve your mobility and stride, contact the office at (513) 574-2424 or view more services on their website.