
As you design your office space, you’ll need to decide how you want to separate each work space. Many companies are moving toward the open-concept office to boost cooperation and teamwork, but that floor plan can have some drawbacks. Glass partitions will give your team the best of both worlds by providing all the benefits of open layouts and private offices. Here are a few reasons to use this type of barrier between areas.

Why Use Glass Partitions & Walls in Your Office

1. Boost Health & Morale

Employees love natural light in their offices, which is one reason why the open floor plan is so popular. Sunlight benefits physical wellness by providing vitamin D, which supports everything from bone to cardiovascular health. Natural light has also been found to decrease depression symptoms while improving alertness, mood, and productivity. With glass walls, no sunlight will be blocked.

2. Provide Soundproofing

milwaukee glassOne of the biggest drawbacks of an open floor plan is that sound moves freely throughout the office. This can make it difficult for employees to focus or hold private meetings. Glass partitions will stop the sound waves, preventing them from traveling across the room. This will make it easier to focus and give people privacy for conversations while maintaining a visually open space.

3. Save Energy

When you fill your building with natural light, you’ll enjoy some energy savings. You won’t need to turn on as many indoor lights to keep the space properly illuminated during the day.

In the cooler months, the UV rays may also help naturally warm up parts of the office, keeping people comfortable without the need for a heating system running on high.


The craftsmen at BGS Glass Service provide custom glass solutions for your office space in the Greater Milwaukee area. For more than 40 years, this glass company has been known for its high-quality service and range of products. They also work on residential fixtures like shower enclosures and patio doors. See some of their work online and call (262) 513-2806 to discuss your needs.
