Getting a foreign object caught in your eye can be an uncomfortable experience, causing everything from minor irritation to visible redness. Anything that causes distress and affects your vision is important to address promptly. As a part of your basic vision care routine, keep these steps in mind if you experience this eye emergency.
What to Do if Something Gets Stuck in Your Eye
1. Blink Your Eyes
Sometimes a foreign object can move out of your eye if you blink rapidly enough. You can also keep your eyes closed and move them rapidly back and forth and up and down to coax the object out. If you feel more comfortable, try an alternative source of irrigation, like saline drops, to flush out something like dust, grass, an insect, or a speck of dirt.
2. Wash Your Eyes
If those methods don’t work, consider flushing your eyes with water. This may work for anything from specks of debris to shampoo or soap. Fill a small, clean cup with water that is lukewarm temperature. Set the rim just under the socket of the affected eye and begin pouring slowly.
This may be enough to relieve your irritation and eliminate the object. An alternative is to hold the affected eye open as you stand beneath a shower head streaming on a gentle setting. You may have to flush several times for success.
3. Check Your Lenses
If you wear contact lenses, always remove them before you flush your eyes. Check them carefully to be sure the irritant isn’t stuck to it and confirm that the object didn’t cause damage to the lens either. If that’s the case, you’ll need to replace them.
4. See a Professional
If these steps don’t work, you may need to see a vision care professional for more help. Do not attempt to remove anything if you suspect the object is embedded, you are bleeding, or your eyes are otherwise injured. A professional has the tools and treatments necessary to handle eye emergencies like these.
If you seek a reliable professional to assist with an eye emergency, turn to Abel, Klecker & Robbins in Lexington, KY. They offer a variety of vision care solutions to ensure that your eyes are always in the best possible shape, from standard exams to dry eye treatment. Visit the website to learn more about how they can help you, or call (859) 269-6921 to schedule an appointment.