
Finding insects and rodents in your home is never a pleasant experience. Though some species are harmless, others can cause extensive property damages and serious health issues. Below, you'll learn more about some of the worst house pests and how a professional exterminator can help you control and prevent them. 

4 Notoriously Bad Indoor Pests

1. Termites 

Termites cause over $2 billion in property damages annually. They feast upon building materials, such as wooden beams, insulation, and drywall, which can compromise the structural integrity of your property. An exterminator can provide a termite inspection, give you a termite report, and perform pre-treatment to protect your residence from damages. 

2. Carpenter Ants

Though carpenter ants do not consume wood, they bore through it while building nests and colonies. Over time, they may chew holes through fascia boards, doorframes, and windowsills. Though this damage is primarily cosmetic, it can diminish your home's curb appeal, reducing its value. Fortunately, a pest control company can provide perimeter and localized indoor treatments to keep them away. 

3. Spiders 

Spiders enter homes through small gaps and cracks around windows and doors. Some are harmless and provide natural pest control by trapping other insects in their webs and eating them. Black widows, however, can cause bites that result in sharp pain, swelling, and stomach cramps

Brown recluses leave ulcer-like bites that cause body aches, chills, and fevers. They typically build webs in dark and undisturbed areas of your home, such as closets and basements. Check these areas regularly and contract a professional exterminator if you notice them. 

4. Rodents 

Mice and rats can spread serious illnesses, including hantavirus and salmonellosis, via their droppings. They may also chew through electrical wiring, which puts your home at an increased risk of fire damage. Setting traps along baseboards and clearing nesting materials, such as grass and overgrown brush, from your foundation can deter rodents from entering your home. 


Keep your home critter-free with help from Allan’s Of Central Kentucky Termite & Pest Control Co. Located in Lebanon, KY, these exterminators provide management and prevention solutions to keep termites, ants, spiders, and rodents out of homes throughout central Kentucky. Call (270) 465-6940 to get an estimate on their pest control treatments and visit the website to learn more about how they can protect your residence with monthly or quarterly services. 
