
A good putt is crucial to scoring under par, and there is a fine art to perfecting your own personal technique. Becoming a master putter involves a balance between careful planning, precise motions, and using your intuition. Here are a few tips on how to become a better putter on the golf course. 

4 Putting Tips to Improve Your Golf Game

1. Imagine the Hole as a Clock

As you get ready to putt on the green, imagine there is a clock around the hole. Use six o’clock as a reference point between the cup and your ball. Assess the natural curves of the green and aim your stroke toward the hand of the clock where you suspect the ball has the best chance of entering. 

2. Don’t Use Too Much Force

golfThe last thing you want to do is hit the ball with excessive force on the putting green. Putting too hard will most likely make the ball skip or jump past the hole. Tap it gently in the appropriate direction and use a slow, soft follow-through.

3. Control With Your Non-Dominant Hand

While your dominant hand determines the force behind the ball, your non-dominant hand controls its direction. For putting, allow your non-dominant hand to be your guide. Doing so will minimize force and improve the angle’s accuracy. 

4. Trust Your Instincts

When it comes to a great putt, try not to overthink it. Use what you know but let your intuitive sense of the green inform your approach. You might be surprised by the accuracy you can achieve when you stroke the ball instinctually. 


Get extra putting practice during your free time by heading out to Etter's Golf Center. This Cincinnati-based practice range offers regular golf lessons and includes a fully stocked pro shop of clubs, balls, and other equipment. Give them a call at (513) 563-8661 today to speak with a golf professional about how to take your game to the next level. Visit them online to learn more about repairs, mini golf, products, and services. 
