
Maintaining a comfortable indoor environment during the warmer months can get expensive. In fact, U.S. homeowners spend around $29 billion a year cooling their spaces. AC efficiency has become a top priority for this reason, as it helps lower the cost of utility bills. Take a look at the guide below to determine how best to start making an upgrade.

How an AC Replacement Saves Money

A modern AC unit offers enhanced cooling capabilities with reduced energy usage. Even if your current appliance is only 10 years old, it will consume far more power than a newer model. Upgrading the system can reduce costs by up to 40%, significantly boosting energy savings without sacrificing comfort. 

How to Evaluate Efficiency

SEER Rating


When looking for a new HVAC unit, you must find one with a high seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) rating. This measures the cooling output of an AC unit in relation to how much power it consumes, with numbers ranging from 13 to 26. The higher the rating, the bigger the energy savings an owner can expect.


ACs are available in various dimensions, with each level providing enough strength to cool up to a set square footage effectively. If too small of a system is installed in the home, it must work overtime to maintain the ideal temperature. The increased energy usage is likely to nullify any savings gains. 

On the other hand, installing a system that’s too large for the area results in decreased operation cycles. As a result, ventilation is reduced. This leaves excess humidity in the air, causing moisture issues. As such, be sure to select an option that matches the home’s sizing needs.


Reap the benefits of a new energy-efficient AC with help from Steel Heating & Cooling in Chelsea, MI. For over 60 years, this family-owned and -operated business has provided dependable and convenient HVAC maintenance, repair, and installation services to residents across Washtenaw and Jackson counties. Find out how their trusted team can meet your heating and cooling needs online or by calling (734) 475-1222.
