Winter is actually the best time for tree trimming, especially for oaks. Not only is trimming when it's colder healthier for the tree, but it also helps protect your home from damage caused by limbs that fall during winter storms. Here are a few facts about why you should schedule your pruning in the colder months.
The Benefits of Winter Trimming
Pruning between November and April makes the job simpler because all the leaves have fallen. Without full foliage, it's easier for crews to see what needs to be cut and where to ensure the healthiest and safest trim. Also, most trees are dormant during the winter. This allows the plant to heal faster without the risk of insect infestation or disease. Trimming during the active growing season can put stress on the plant and stimulate additional growth that won't have time to harden before the temperature drops, meaning it will be weak even if it survives the winter.
Trimming & Oak Wilt
In northeast Ohio, oak wilt is a common—and fatal—fungal infection. Trees infected with the disease cannot be saved and need to be cut down. Oak wilt causes the leaves on infected trees to discolor and eventually die, starting at the top. Tree trimming to remove affected branches won't stop the spread.
Oak wilt is spread by beetles. When spring arrives and temperatures exceed 50 degrees, hungry beetles can come in contact with diseased oaks. The fungal spores from the tree attach to the beetles, which then carry them to healthy oaks. If those trees have recently been pruned and have fresh cuts, the spores will infect them. Prune oaks during the winter when the beetles are not active and the cuts have time to heal. Tree services may also seal the fresh cuts with latex paint to prevent any late-season insects from being attracted to the smell of the fresh sap and infecting the tree.
If you have oaks that need to be pruned, call Schades Tree Service in North Royalton, OH, for professional tree trimming services. These experts serve clients throughout northeast Ohio and will help keep your trees healthy and beautiful for years to come. To learn more about their services, visit the website, or call (440) 882-3838 to make an appointment.