
It’s not always easy to find a reliable heating and air conditioning contractor. Your HVAC system is complicated, and if you’re not familiar with how it works, you might not know what qualities to look for in an HVAC repair team. To prevent you from falling into common traps when choosing from your possible candidates, the experts at Mill Creek Heating want to share some key tips. Serving clients throughout Oregon’s Willamette Valley since 2003, they believe a little bit of knowledge can make a big difference.

3 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring Heating & Air Conditioner Contractors

1. Overlooking Air Leaks

heating and air conditioningA quality heating and air conditioning contractor should help you boost your energy-efficiency, driving down your bills in the process. This doesn’t just mean they equip you with the latest, most efficient system on the market. It also means they help you identify air leaks in your home, recommending steps you can take to address any problems they find.

2. Not Tailoring Their Service

The system that’s right for one home won’t always be right for another. Numerous factors affect which type of system you should install, including the size of your house, the size of your family, and your overall lifestyle. Your contractor should take the time to create a plan that’s tailored specifically to your needs.

3. Ignoring Ducts

When installing or repairing a system, it’s important that your contractor assesses the quality of your ducts to ensure they’re in good shape and properly sized for your system. Your ducts affect both your indoor air quality and the overall efficiency of your home.

If you live in Oregon’s Willamette Valley region and you’re looking for a heating and air conditioning contractor you can depend on, get in touch with the experts at Mill Creek Heating. Contact them online to discuss your needs, or call (503) 749-1000.
