Posting life events and updates to social media may seem like second nature, but that habit can have serious consequences if you’re going through a divorce. Even seemingly innocuous content can be used against you later, impacting everything from the division of property to your child custody arrangement. Before contacting your divorce lawyer, learn more about why you should stay off social media until your case is resolved.
Potential Consequences of Using Social Media During a Divorce
1. Negative Comments Can Reflect Poorly
While your social media accounts may seem like private venues, venting about the divorce to friends and family can be unwise. Your spouse’s divorce lawyer may take those comments out of context and use them to argue that you’re creating a hostile environment for your children. They could also create a negative impression with the judge, potentially affecting their decisions about property division and spousal support.
2. You Might Be Accused of Hiding Assets
Posting vacation pictures or checking in to expensive restaurants may create the impression that you didn’t disclose all of your assets in filing documents. Even if someone else paid for dinner or a weekend getaway, posting about it may trigger a closer review of your finances, dragging the case out further.
3. Normal Behavior Could Be Taken Out of Context
You might not think twice about checking in to your neighborhood bar or posting a picture when you're having a couple of drinks with your friends. However, your spouse's divorce lawyer may use this normal behavior to imply that you have a drinking problem, which makes you an unfit parent. Even content posted by your friends can reflect negatively on you and your lifestyle.
If you’re going through a divorce, the legal team at Castles Family Law has the experience and dedication to help achieve the best possible outcome. Their divorce lawyers proudly serve clients throughout the Nashville and Franklin areas of Tennessee with an exclusive focus on family law that gives them unique insight into these difficult matters. Visit their website to learn how they can help with your divorce, or call (615) 804-6086 to arrange a consultation with a compassionate attorney.