
Ridding your land of trees, brush, stumps, and debris is essential before you begin any type of structural or agricultural project. Known as land clearing, this method of preparation ensures professionals can work on a safe surface and the new construction won’t be obstructed by any possible threats to its integrity. Here’s what you need to know about this important first step.

What Makes Land Clearing So Important?

1. It Stabilizes Land

Land clearing is a fundamental first step for a wide range of commercial and residential projects. Developing a property requires a safe, stable ground on which to build, something that you won’t have without removing the obstructions first. Clearing even promotes the improved health of the land. Soil can be redistributed to prevent erosion from causing problems for the property at a later time.

2. It Improves Appearances

Miami, FL land clearingThe aesthetic value of a property is greatly diminished by the presence of overgrown vegetation and towering trees. Often, areas with such uncontrolled plant life also serve as grounds for waste and litter. It can quickly turn into an unattractive eyesore. Land clearing will effectively transform the space into a clean, healthy, and usable spot for the new construction—one that captures the attention of potential customers for the right reasons.

3. It Prevents Hazards

Stumps that remain on the ground can pose safety threats to people and animals. They can also make construction and installation of utility lines difficult. In addition to standard clearing of the land, your landscaping company can grub the surface to ensure proper stump removal as well as the elimination of deep roots. As a result, the land is safer and less likely to attract unwanted pests, which can spread disease to surrounding vegetation and create an unhealthy environment for any type of work.


Before beginning your project, turn to the experts at Native Tree Service. They’ve served Miami, FL, and surrounding areas since 1985, and they’re proud to offer land clearing services to ensure that your land is safe and primed for a successful job. The certified arborists can also handle your other needs, such as tree pruning, stump removal, and basic property maintenance. Visit their website to find out more about how they can help you or give them a call at (305) 238-1178.
