
Tiger sharks are a sought-after prize when shark fishing in Hawaii as they’re difficult to catch and their meat provides high-quality protein and nutrients. Some fishermen enjoy the challenge of hooking a large predator and release it soon after it’s caught. Regardless of your reasons for shark fishing off Hawaii’s coast, there’s no denying that tiger sharks are fascinating creatures.

4 Interesting Facts About Tiger Sharks

1. They’re Big

Tiger sharks are the fourth-largest shark, only smaller than the great white, whale, and basking sharks. Earning their name from the stripe-like pattern juveniles display, they grow approximately 15 feet long and weigh at least 1,300 pounds.

2. They’ll Eat Anything

shark fishingThese apex predators don’t discriminate when it comes to food, and they’ll eat other sharks, birds, and venomous sea snakes. Tiger sharks are also known to consume garbage found in the ocean, including rubber tires, metal objects, shoes, and license plates. They regularly hunt sea turtles and prey on the ones that are sick or dying.

3. They Have Large Litters

Females are pregnant for 13 to 16 months, and tiger sharks can have litters of up to 80 pups at a time. Females give birth to live sharks, but pups aren’t nourished through the placenta. Instead, they develop from large eggs during the gestation period.

4. They Don’t All Have Stripes

Baby tiger sharks display gray spots that spread into stripes as they grow older. Over time, the stripes fade, leaving most adult tiger sharks without visible stripes.


If you’re looking for a fun and exciting shark fishing excursion, call Blue Nun Sport Fishing in Honolulu. For over 30 years, their fishing tours have been led by Captain Bob McCowan, an experienced fisherman with almost 40 years experience leading tours along Hawaii’s coast. Call (808) 596-2443 to make a reservation, or visit their website to learn more information about their shark fishing tours.
