
After a long winter spent under layers of snow and ice, your yard will need extensive care to return to its former condition once warm weather arrives. When you’re tending to yard work this spring, the question might arise of whether to apply topsoil or garden soil to your landscaping. To determine which is best for your desired application, below is a brief explanation of the differences between the two.

Topsoil Is Suitable for Various Applications 

Often sourced locally, topsoil consists of the uppermost layer of earth removed during construction projects. The amount of clay, sand, silt, and other organic materials in topsoil vary depending on the area where it is sourced. Based on the composition, topsoil can be used for various applications—from protecting seedlings in direct sunlight to grading surfaces near commercial and residential buildings. It’s also excellent filler for holes or dips in your yard. 

Burlington-Kentucky-topsoilGarden Soil Is Formulated to Aid Plant Growth

Because the organic materials in topsoil vary, it can be difficult to determine whether it has all of the vitamins and minerals plants need to thrive. Garden soil is specifically engineered to make up for the discrepancies in topsoil and promote plant growth. Garden soil is fortified with organic materials to provide plants with nourishment over an extended period. Consider using this type of soil if planting is the main activity on your yard work to-do list. 


For high-quality topsoil, gravel, sand, and other materials to add to the value and aesthetic appeal of your yard, reach out to Affordable Landscape Supplies in Burlington, KY, for assistance. Their knowledgeable staff is happy to answer questions and find the best products for your needs. To schedule a landscape supplies delivery in Boone or Kenton counties, call (859) 586-9142 today. Visit the company online to see pictures of the products, and follow them on Facebook for announcements. 
