
Mulch is a widely used landscaping medium used to insulate soil, prevent weed growth, and define areas of a property. There are several types available, with one popular style being cedar. The guide below looks at its advantages and best uses. 

What to Know About Cedar Mulch

What are the benefits?

As with other varieties, cedar mulch promotes temperature control by acting as a top cover to insulate the soil. This allows plants to thrive, as warm soil retains moisture more effectively than cold soil does. It also prevents the ground from eroding by weighing down the topmost layer, preventing dirt from being washed away after rain. 

Some benefits exclusive to cedar are its rich red color, which adds visual interest, and its aromatic scent. It is also more affordable than traditional wood chips.


How do you apply it?

You’ll need roughly one cubic yard of cedar for every 10-by-10 area you intend to cover. Apply the mixture using a shovel or trowel. Lay it at least two to three inches thick to provide sufficient coverage. 

What are its disadvantages?

Cedar is an effective short-term mulch, as it tends to lose its color and scent rather quickly. It’s also not as neat-looking as chip or bark styles. Moreover, the material drains the soil of its nitrogen over time, which can eventually deplete plants of a key nutrient. 

What are the alternatives?

Cypress is also an aromatic option with superior weed retention. Pine bark is another attractive—though more expensive—option, typically found in nugget form. Cocoa shell can also be used in places where you might consider cedar and has an exotic texture and rich, brown color. It does come at a higher price point and is toxic to pets.


No matter which mulch style you’re considering, Affordable Landscape Supplies is your source for quality materials to complete your project. Serving Burlington, KY, this trusted supplier has been family-owned since 1981 and offers same-day delivery throughout Boone and Kenton Counties. Find out more about their inventory online, or call (859) 586-9142 to discuss your needs with one of their team members.
