
You should handle and store your comic books with care to preserve their quality and value over time. When their condition is maintained, vintage comic books are highly treasured collector's items, and they can fetch good prices at a local pawn shop. Keep your collection pristine for yourself and any future owners by following the tips listed below.


Store comics upright.

If you have a large collection of comic books, you may have them lying in horizontal stacks piled on top of one another. This may seem harmless, but if the stack is high enough, the ones on the bottom will be crushed, and the spines will be pressed out of shape. Comics are crafted with staples in the spines, and the metal staples cannot support the heavy weight of dozens of other books. Stored the comics upright in a plastic box or another sturdy container to preserve their spine structure. 

Wash your hands before handling.

comic books

Even if your hands appear clean, natural oils on the skin can damage and stain comic book pages over time. It never hurts to take precautions. Wash your hands with soap and water, and dry them thoroughly before handling your collection. If the books are exclusive items or of very high value, you should only touch them while wearing cotton gloves to ensure oils and grease from your skin do not seep into the pages. 


Store them near radiators, vents, windows, or light sources.

Heat and high humidity cause paper to age, which can accelerate deterioration in comic books. Ensure they are kept far away from radiators and vents that push out warm air during the winter. You should also store the collection away from windows and doors that could let in humid air drafts. Windows also let in sunlight, which can be problematic since ultraviolet rays can cause pages to fade.

Treat them casually.

There are several common handling habits that are very damaging to comic book collections. Although the paper structure may seem flexible, never bend the book more than 180 degrees while reading, as this ruins the spine. You should also avoid using paper clips or hard materials as bookmarks since they don't allow the book to close flatly. Never "dog-ear" pages, or you might end up with permanent creases.


Whether you're looking to expand or sell your comic book collection, turn to Collector's Palace Coins & Jewelry in Streetsboro, OH. This one-of-a-kind consignment store boasts a massive inventory of collectible goods and serves customers throughout northeast Ohio. The shop is open seven days a week and carries Certified Guaranty Company-graded comics, assuring you that their products are authentic. Visit the website to learn more about their comic collection, or call (330) 626-2464 to speak with a staff member.
