3 Steps to Complete Before a Propane Tank Installation
Because it burns cleaner than other fuels and is energy-dense, many people are turning to propane for household use. While a new propane tank installation might seem like a big undertaking, thorough preparation can make the process go quickly and painlessly. Here are three ways to prepare for the installation.
How Do You Prepare for a Propane Tank Installation?
1. Determine Your Tank Size
The size of the tank you need depends on two things: what appliances you want to power with propane and how often you intend to use those appliances. If you're looking for an auxiliary power source for your water heater, stove, fireplace, or pool, then a smaller, vertical-style tank may suit your needs perfectly. But if you want to use propane as the main source of heat in your home, you'll consume a lot more gas and need a large, horizontal-style tank. This style determines what type of area you need to clear for a safe installation.
2. Clear an Area
A smaller, vertical tank takes up less room than a horizontal one and can be installed closer to your home. Generally, you want to clear an area that is at least three feet from any doors or windows and 10 feet from any air intake. As long as you meet those requirements, it's safe to install the tank against any wall of your home.
For horizontal tanks, you'll need more space. Try to clear an area that's at least 10 feet away from any buildings, windows, property lines, and ignition sources. Regardless of the style, ensure that the cleared area is level and stable. Concrete surfaces are ideal, but any flat, solid surface free of overgrown plants will work well.
3. Check Your Appliances
On all the appliances you want to connect to the propane, check the manufacturer's installation guides. Before the propane tank installation, you'll need to guarantee that each appliance is properly set up to connect to the new fuel source. Faulty setups can increase the likelihood of fires or carbon monoxide poisoning. Having your appliances prepared beforehand also means that you can start using them as soon as possible after your new tank is installed.
If you're searching for a propane tank installation team, look no further than Dousman LP Gas. Located in Dousman, WI, and serving the communities of Waukesha County, this family-owned business offers friendly, professional help for all your propane needs. Learn more about their services online, and call (262) 965-2679 to talk to a team member.