
Car windows are operated with regulators that raise or lower the window panel. For convenience, many cars installed with power windows have electric regulators and are controlled by motors and switches. Since it operates mechanically, its moving parts may break down at some point. An auto glass repair technician from Auto Glass Experts in Hastings, NE, explains what causes these problems and how to prevent them.

What Causes Car Window Failures?

Malfunctions, whether intermittent or permanent, tend to happen more frequently to the front, driver-side windows because they are used most often. Intermittent issues occur at random and may be caused by overheated motors or loose switch connections. Permanent problems, on the other hand, can result from a faulty motor, cable pulley, or switch. These types of malfunctions require the expertise of an auto glass repair specialist for accurate diagnosis and correct resolution. Apart from mechanical issues, another factor that can affect car window function is snow or ice, which freezes the glass to the frame. Since regulators are not designed to break the ice when raising or lowering the windows, they tend to wear prematurely with the added strain.

How Can You Prevent Them?

An intermittent failure auto glasscaused by overheated motors can often be resolved by simply letting them cool down. But if the cable breaks apart from the regulator or detaches from the pulley, you need to bring your car to a repair technician right away. They will likely remove the door frame to inspect the motor, pulley, and switches to fix the issue. To extend the life of the regulator and motor, release the switch button once the windows are fully raised or lowered to avoid putting extra strain on the components. Keep rubber seals around the frame from hardening and drying out by spraying them with silicone lubricant and moving the windows vertically a few times. For vehicles that are 10 years old and older, have the motor checked to see if it needs replacement.

Having a functioning window mechanism helps keep your car secure from unauthorized access and protects it from the natural elements. For door window repairs, turn to the auto glass repair technicians at Auto Glass Experts to get it done. With more than 40 years of combined experience, their team also specializes in windshield repair and replacement. Call (402) 463-0025 or visit them online to learn more about their door regulator services.
