
When you’re sick or in pain, you may wonder if your condition is serious enough for a trip to the emergency room. Unlike urgent care or a walk-in clinic, the ER provides around-the-clock care and is equipped for life-threatening situations. Here are some signs that a trip to the emergency room could be warranted.

5 Symptoms That Should Be Evaluated in the Emergency Room

1. Intense Stomach Pain on the Right Side

Appendicitis can be fatal if not treated quickly. Warning signs include intense abdominal pain on the right side of the body, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Swelling in the abdomen, fever, and loss of appetite are also common.

2. High Fever

emergency roomA fever of 103 degrees or higher in adults means they should be seen by a doctor. If the fever is accompanied by a rash, convulsions, a stiff neck, or difficulty breathing, visit the emergency room. Children with a fever of 102 degrees or higher, along with listlessness or severe headache, should be seen by a doctor right away.

3. Sudden Intense Headache

While migraines can feel awful, an emergency room physician is not any more equipped to relieve the pain. When a headache is intense and sudden and comes with difficulty walking or other neurological symptoms such as slurred speech, blurry vision, or weakness, seek emergency treatment.

4. Severe Cuts and Wounds

Does your cut need stitches? If yellow tissue is exposed, if pressure cannot stop the bleeding, or if the cut is on a joint or on the face, go to the emergency room. Bullet wounds, animal bites, or wounds made by objects that are dirty or rusty are also serious enough to be seen immediately.

5. Head Injury

Not all head injuries require a hospital visit, but if the patient loses consciousness, becomes disoriented, or begins to vomit, they should be taken to the emergency room. Other symptoms of a serious head injury include difficulty walking, blood or fluid from the ears and nose, seizure, and the patient’s inability to track an object with their eyes.  


If you need emergency care, Bayside Community Hospital in Anahuac, TX, has the only state-designated trauma center in the county, along with health, wellness, and outreach programs designed to meet the needs of their community. With on-site diagnostic imaging, laboratories, and a pharmacy, Bayside Community Hospital can care for many of your needs in one convenient location. Call (409) 267-3143 to make an appointment with a physician, or visit their website for more information about their emergency services.
