
Although you might not associate fall with gardening, this is actually a wonderful time to add to your outdoor space. While the air may be crisp and cool, the ground’s temperature is just hospitable enough to support plant life. Here’s what you should know about making fall garden maintenance a part of your routine.

The Benefits of Planting in the Fall

Soil is still warm in the fall, making it ideal for roots to grow and get a solid grip on the ground. As they become established, they’ll take in the vital nutrients that they need to thrive throughout spring.

Planting as part of your fall garden maintenance routine gives these roots sufficient time to develop a comprehensive system prior to winter’s freeze. Come spring, they’ll be ready to brighten up your yard. Moreover, you don’t have to worry about watering as often during this cooler season; more frequent rainfall does the job for you.  

What Types of Plants to Add

garden maintenanceBulbs that flower in the spring, such as daffodils, hyacinth, irises, snowdrops, and tulips, require some cool weather to develop the energy that they need to burst with color in the warmer season. It’s important to plant them at the right time — doing so too early in the fall could cause them to rot if it rains a lot, while planting too late could prevent them from thriving.

The soil’s temperature should hover at around 55° or less, or whenever it’s cold enough to turn the heat on in your car. Pansies and violas are also ideal to plant during fall garden maintenance; the warmth of the soil provides the security they need to withstand the winter chill before they bloom in the spring.

Finally, take stock of your grass. If the yard looks worse for wear, this is a great time to establish new ground through seeding or sodding. Make sure to water frequently, even if it’s a rainy fall, to ensure healthy growth and vitality.


Are you ready to transform your yard this fall? Let the garden maintenance professionals at B’s Montana Gardens bring your vision to life. Proudly serving homeowners throughout the Flathead Valley, the landscape contractors offer a variety of lawn care services. Visit the website for more information, or call (406) 250-4950 to speak with a representative.
