
Any tooth pain or oral discomfort your child experiences should be assessed by a dentist. If the toothache is caused by a cavity, timely treatment will prevent the issue from becoming worse. As you wait for your appointment, here are some steps you can take to ease their pain and discomfort.

How to Treat Your Child’s Toothache Before Going to the Dentist

1. Make a Saltwater Mouth Rinse

Salt has antibacterial properties, so it’s an ideal solution for oral pain. It also has a drying effect that may bring down inflammation.

To make a saltwater mouth rinse, take an 8-ounce glass and fill it with warm water. Mix in a teaspoon of salt, and have your child swish with it over the sink before spitting.

2. Break Out the Peppermint

dentistMost kids enjoy peppermint flavors, which makes it a favorable toothache remedy for young ones. While peppermint oil is effective, steer clear of peppermint extract due to its high alcohol content. A safer bet is a peppermint tea bag: douse your tea bag in a mug and allow it to cool down for a few minutes. Once it's properly cool, your child can place it their mouth between the cheek and the tooth that’s presenting a problem. 

3. Use an Ice Pack

A cooling ice pack is also ideal for reducing inflammation and pain naturally. Take some ice from your freezer and wrap it tightly in a towel or cloth. Have your child press the ice pack against their cheek for about 15 minutes before removing it. This method can be used for pain relief several times a day; just make sure your child isn’t using the ice pack for too long, as the skin may become irritated.


Good oral health in childhood means a bright, healthy smile in adulthood. This is the goal of Kid Smiles, which provides kind and compassionate care to young patients in High Point, NC. In addition to their dental care prowess, they also provide in-room amenities, such as TVs and video games, to keep your kids occupied during appointments. They also offer Saturday hours to make life a little easier for parents on the go. Learn more about these dentists and what they can do for your child by visiting the website. To schedule an appointment, call (336) 885-5437 today. 
