
Although wisdom teeth removal is important for your dental health, it’s understandable if you feel intimidated by the procedure. Sometimes, it takes a couple of hours to complete, and you may continue experiencing pain or discomfort for two or three days afterward. However, you can boost your recovery process and help the operation go smoothly if you take steps to prepare for it. 

4 To-Do Items for a Wisdom Teeth Removal Preparation Checklist 

1. Get Instructions 

Ask your dentist or oral surgeon what they need you to do prior to undergoing wisdom teeth removal. If they use anesthesia, they may request that you fast the night before to avoid becoming nauseous during the procedure.  You should also find out whether you need to follow special directions for taking painkillers if you’re using other medications. 

2. Arrange a Ride 

Anesthesia helps make oral surgery painless by dulling your senses, but that’s also the reason why it’s unsafe for you to drive or walk long distances before it leaves your system. Make sure you have a friend or family member who can drive you to and from your appointment.  It is important to make sure your driver can stay during the whole procedure. 

3. Buy Helpful Items 

wisdom teeth removalYour mouth will be too sensitive to handle crunchy or chewy while you’re healing.  Before meeting your dental surgeon, stock up on soft foods and liquids that can be consumed at room temperature. This may include yogurt, ice cream, applesauce, soup, and anything mashed, to name a few examples. While eating, avoid drinking from straws as it can cause painful dry sockets to form.

4. Consider Time Off 

Wisdom teeth removal rarely results in complications, but the surgery site will be sensitive and uncomfortable for two or three days after. Your body needs time to rest and heal. Besides, the pain may be too distracting for you to do much else. Schedule time off work and avoid social events on the day of the surgery and for several days afterward so that you can focus on relaxing and recovering.  

You can feel confident that your wisdom teeth removal surgery will be successful and comfortable if you get it done with James Schirmer, DDS of The Center for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Countryside in Lebanon, OH. Dr. Schirmer has been providing his patients with quality services in a pleasant setting since 2002. Find out more about his services today by calling (513) 932-9991 or checking out his website
