
After you lose a pet, it can be hard to imagine your life without them. However, you can always cherish how they changed your life by memorializing them. Here are some ideas to honor your pet.

How to Memorialize Your Pet 

1. Commissioned Art 

Get your favorite photo of your beloved pet memorialized in a handmade piece of art. Once the art is complete, pick a beautiful frame and place the piece in a prominent spot in your home.  

2. Prints 

Just like human fingerprints, a pet’s nose and paw print are unique to them. Before your pet is cremated, ask your vet if you can have a print of their nose and paws. Prints can make a beautiful ornament or piece of wall art.

3. Create a Memory Garden 

lose a petAfter you lose a pet, creating a memory garden outside your home can be cathartic. While planting bright flowers, scatter your pet’s ashes across the garden. Additionally, an engraved garden stone with your pet’s name and paw print will make for a unique accent and serve as a memorial to your pet. 

4. Donate 

Donate to an shelter in your pet’s honor to help other animals find homes and spread their love to other people. Additionally, after losing a pet, you may have unused items like food, litter, and toys left, in which case a local shelter will likely welcome them. 

5. Plant a Tree 

 If your pet had a favorite spot in your backyard, plant a tree there. The tree will bring a smile to your face each time you look out the window. As it grows, you’ll be reminded of your pet.


In addition to these memorial ideas, if you’re looking for a cremation service after losing a pet, turn to Oahu Pet Crematory in Kailua, HI. They make the process simple by working directly with your vet, plus you can count on their more than 27 years of experience. Visit the website to learn more about their services. To arrange for cremation, have your vet give them a call at (808) 371-7531.
