5 Ways Tennis Lessons Can Benefit Your Child
If your child is searching for a physical activity that’s fun and challenging, tennis may be the right sport for them. While tennis is certainly popular among adult players, it’s also a sport that kids can master and enjoy from an early age. Compared to other sports, tennis offers a variety of mental, physical, and developmental benefits that are particularly beneficial for younger players. To learn more about these advantages, here are five reasons why you should consider tennis instruction for your child.
5 Benefits of Youth Tennis Instruction
1. Provides Excellent Form of Exercise
Running around the court to hit tennis balls introduces kids to aerobic exercise, which can boost your child’s overall immunity, heart health, and weight management. Tennis also utilizes nearly every muscle in the body, allowing young players to experience functional training benefits, build muscles, and improve flexibility.
2. Improves Coordination
During tennis instruction, your child will learn how to rapidly track and move to stay in the ball’s trajectory, then stop and swing to hit it across the net in time. With practice, these movements will improve hand-eye coordination, balance, agility, and fine motor skills.
3. Builds Stronger Bones
Tennis is a weight-bearing activity that exerts a safe amount of pressure on musculoskeletal structures. Through routine training, this pressure strengthens children’s bones to reduce the risk of sprains and fractures. Research also suggests that tennis can help adolescent players prevent osteoporosis later in life.
4. Develops Sportsmanship
Whether they’re playing singles or doubles, tennis requires young athletes to cooperate and interact with other players. While the activity is highly competitive, the game is designed to provide players with a fun, sociable experience that teaches them sportsmanship.
5. Toughens Tactical Thinking
Throughout tennis instruction, children learn how to respond to a variety of scenarios — such as how to direct swings to strike balls with the right amount of force. Since the dynamics of the game are always changing, young players must learn how to think quickly to keep the ball moving and land it on the other side of the court.
If you want your child to experience all the benefits that tennis has to offer, match them with a high-quality program that provides groups and one-on-one instruction. That’s why LifeSport Athletic Club – Lincolnshire is committed to providing players of all skill levels and ages with the highest level of tennis instruction. Based in Lincolnshire, IL, this tennis and fitness club will help your young athlete learn the rules of the game, master their skills on the court, and have fun competing. To learn more about junior tennis lessons, visit LifeSport Athletic Club – Lincolnshire online. For enrollment, call a friendly staff member at (847) 913-2000.