
If you were recently hurt on the job, you might be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Before you can recover a payout, though, you’ll have to put together a strong claim. Thankfully, a resourceful attorney can help. Below, you’ll find a few ways to contribute to your legal team’s efforts.

3 Tips for Building a Strong Workers’ Compensation Claim 

1. Notify Your Employer 

Even if your supervisor witnessed the accident, it’s up to you to notify your employer in writing to remain eligible for benefits. In Alabama, injured employees must generally notify their employer of their compromised condition within five days. If the injuries were not immediately obvious, the employee must submit notice as soon as they become apparent no more than 90 days after the accident in question. 

2. See an Approved Provider 

workers compensationIn the state of Alabama, employers are entitled to choose which providers their employees may see following an accident on the clock. That means excluding an emergency, you must see an approved physician, or your medical bills won’t be covered by workers’ compensation insurance. However, if you are not satisfied with the care you receive, you may choose another provider from among four other approved physicians.

3. Do Not Release Your Medical Records 

If the insurer asks for a general release for your medical records, refer them to your legal team. They might try to convince you they won’t be able to process your claim without such a release, but in reality, they have no right to your medical history. In that same vein, be wary about signing any authorizations from parties that were hired by the carrier, like your physician or vocational counselor. If you’re not entirely sure what the implications of signing might be, consult your attorney first. 


To see if you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits, contact Lee, Livingston, Lee, Nichols & Barron, P.C. Founded in 1948 in Dothan, AL, this practice has been counseling individuals, families, and businesses throughout the area ever since. Comprised of experienced litigators, their team is committed to seeing every case through to the end. To learn more about all of their legal services, visit their website or call (334) 792-4156 to request a consultation. 
