
Not only is it sometimes easier to smile when you feel confident about your teeth, but sealing tiny imperfections in your enamel can reduce your risk of certain oral health conditions. While a dentist may recommend several solutions to deal with cracks, chips, or decay, one possible treatment is dental bonding. The guide below explores this process. 

What to Know About Dental Bonding 

What does it involve?

To create a better bonding surface, a dentist will roughen up the surface of the to-be-treated tooth. They will then apply a color-matched, liquid composite resin to fill in the areas that are damaged. After the resin is molded into the correct shape, it is hardened with ultraviolet light. Lastly, the dentist will remove any excess material and polish your tooth for a refined finish. This treatment is usually quick, taking about an hour for one tooth. 

How can it benefit patients?

dentistDental bonding is a minimally-invasive procedure that can enhance your smile's appearance by restoring misshapen, cracked, chipped, decayed, or discolored teeth. It can also be used to close gaps in some cases. It also preserves more of your natural tooth than other cosmetic solutions.

How can you protect your teeth afterward?

In addition to brushing your teeth at least twice per day, flossing daily, and visiting your dentist every six months, avoid actions that may chip your teeth, such as eating hard candy or biting your nails. You should also abstain from highly-pigmented beverages such as coffee, tea, soda, or wine for the first two days after the procedure. These and tobacco products could stain the resin.

Are there any risks?

Dental bonding doesn't carry any major risks. However, depending on your oral health situation, you might want to discuss other, longer-lasting options, such as crowns or veneers, with your dentist. You will also have to exert care in the future to not chip your treated teeth by keeping away from particularly hard food and wearing a mouth guard during contact sports.


If you’re interested in dental bonding, turn to the knowledgeable professionals at Spring Branch Dental Care. Dr. Chavez has been a dentist for over 25 years and has served North San Antonio, Comal County, and the surrounding areas of Texas for the past 16 years. He and his team use advanced, up-to-date techniques and equipment for dental cleanings, dental bonding, cavity fillings, implants, and whitening services. Call their office at (830) 438-7444 to schedule an appointment. Visit their website to learn more about their offerings.
