Boost Your Yield With Allied Elevate From Allied Cooperative, Wisconsin's Agronomy Experts
Allied Cooperative, an organization providing support and agronomy services to farmers throughout Wisconsin, is proud to announce the release of their newest fertilizer: Allied Elevate. This specially formulated popper blend makes an excellent foundation fertilizer for planting in cold soils, especially in minimum or no-tilling environments. On in-furrow applications, this fertilizing agent has a usage rate of three to five gallons for corn, but other placements allow for a greater degree of flexibility, making Allied Elevate an extremely effective and affordable solution.
When blended with UAN solution, Allied Elevate creates a strip-till/sidedress fertilizer that supplies your crops with additional potassium and sulfur and can also be combined with liquid urea to create a foliar fertilizer for small grains and forage.
Due to the quantities of potassium and sulfur it contains, Allied Elevate will provide your crops with an extensive variety of benefits, including:
- Increased Drought Resistance
- Stronger Stalks & Stems
- Healthier Plant Metabolism
- Improved Photosynthesis
- Improved Translocation Within The Plant
- Increased Protein & Starch Levels
- Disease Resistance
For corn plants, sulfur is an essential nutrient for promoting healthy growth of the plant and maximizing your yield from each harvest. Plants use sulfur to metabolize the nitrogen in the soil, so Allied Elevate is carefully crafted to help make all of your fertilizing efforts more productive.
No matter what type of crop you're farming, Allied Cooperate has the expertise and farming services to help you succeed in this demanding industry. Visit their website to learn more about their long history helping farmers throughout the state, or call (800) 247-5679 to learn more about Allied Elevate.