What is The Veterinary Feed Directive? Allied Cooperative Explains
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has updated its regulations on how antibiotics can be given to food-producing animals. The main way that these drugs will be given is outlined by The Veterinary Feed Directive. Allied Cooperative, Wisconsin’s leading co-op, offers extensive services and supplies including agronomy, grain, auto parts, hardware, convenience stores, and more, and they want you to understand The Veterinary Feed Directive.
The Veterinary Feed Directive requires veterinarians to issue all feed directive drugs within the context of the state’s veterinarian-client-patient-relationship (VCPR). If a state VCPR is not available, a federal VCPR will be enforced. The VCPR describes how the veterinarian must interact with the client and animal in order to prescribe the drugs and offer follow-up care. The FDA will oversee and review state VCPRs.
Under this ruling, many medically important antibiotics will require veterinarian approval to be given to food-producing animals. The FDA is also looking into the accuracy of the medical labels and possible alternative approaches to long-term use of the medically important antibiotics. The FDA is working with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to gather on-farm data to inform their judicious use strategy going forward.
Allied Cooperative in Wisconsin hopes this explanation sheds some light on the crucial issues of the Veterinary Feed Directive and the use of medically important antibiotics for food-producing animals. This co-op has been in operation since 1917 and specializes in crop scouting, feed, liquid propane and refined fuels, tires, and more in order to thoroughly fulfill all of the farming needs of its members. Call them today at (800) 247-5679, or visit them online to learn more about Allied Cooperative’s diverse, expert co-op services.